Ronald Kiandee, The Dominant Narrator

Despite the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industries (MAFI) consists of one minister and two deputies, the Chinese media has only shined their focus upon the minister, Ronald Kiandee.



The analytics shows that Ronald Kiandee was leading the narration for the issue regarding his ministry during the three months period.


Besides, the Chinese media also gave more coverage for the non-politician like the Chairman of Penang Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Hong Yeam Wah and Wong Seng Yee from Malaysia Productivity Corporation.


In fact, the coverage of politicians regarding MAFI was lower than the non-politician if compared individually except for Ronald Kiandee and Alexander Nanta Linggi.


In terms of exposure, low exposure is recorded throughout the time frame with the highest news reported was only 12 news on 17th September.



Meanwhile, other Chinese media except Cincai News were reporting the issues quite evenly throughout the period.


The analytics below has also shown that the media share for MAFI is dominated by Kwong Wah Yit Poh as they reported the most news during the stated period.



However, looking at the keywords related to MAFI, “price”, “chicken” and “food” were among the prominent keywords used by Chinese media while reporting news regarding MAFI.