Stories The political upheaval which happened earlier this year has changed… Mahathir Versus Muhyiddin 4 years ago Editor
Stories Mohamad Ariff Md Yusof’s removal saw former Election Commission Chairman… The War Intensifies With Mahathir’s New Party 4 years ago Editor
Insights The topic of Parliament in Malaysia started to heat up… INSIGHT – Parliament 4 years ago Editor
Stories Today, the battle in Sabah look specifically at two strong… Who’s Game is it in Sabah? 4 years ago Editor
Visuals According to the Department of Statistics (DOSM), Malaysia’s export… E&E and rubber products make highest contributor to expansion in exports 4 years ago Editor
Stories While the rakyat was in the euphoria following Pakatan’s win… Sabah’s Dissolution 4 years ago Editor
Publications Automatic moratorium on loan repayments was granted to SMEs and individuals to relieve the burden of Covid-19 pandemic on businesses and households. The moratorium is part of PRIHATIN stimulus package to arrest the economic impact of the pandemic. Even before the stimulus package is revealed, the headline related to Bank Negara Malaysia was focusing on the initiative LOAN MORATORIUM 4 years ago Editor