Rais Yatim was deployed by Tun M to talk on UEC?

Malaysia, Malaysia Indicator, UEC, Rais Yatim, Mahathir, Maszlee Malik


As exhibited, Tun M does not much give much statements pertaining to UEC. However, it is believed that he employed Rais Yatim to attack on this issue. It can be speculated that to move against UEC has started since day one PH resume office. First, Mahathir appoints Mazlee as Minister of Education. He then gets Mazlee to lean favourably towards the Unified Examination Certificate (UEC). Days later, he gets Rais to fan Malay sentiments by criticising the UEC. By doing so, Rais effectively shifts the spotlight away from PPBM by sending a message to the Malays that the party leadership “disagrees with what Mazlee is doing.”


The Malays get rilled up and train their guns at Mazlee and the DAP, not PPBM. It isn’t long before things boil over. The minute that happens, Mazlee quickly retracts his support for the UEC to shift the spotlight entirely on the DAP.


Malaysia, Malaysia Indicator, UEC, Rais Yatim, Mahathir, Maszlee Malik


Soon, clashes between the Malays and the authorities erupt, Mahathir quickly orders the arrest of “all rabble rousers and demonstrators” on the pretext of protecting national security and harmony. He then lures as many UMNO MPs as he can into PPBM to prove that the DAP is no longer a dominant force in Pakatan Harapan. The Malays breathe a sigh of relief upon seeing this and begin to accept PH wholeheartedly. The end results? Mahathir ends up crippling UMNO and controlling Pakatan Harapan from tip to tail.