The Lesser Known Government Welfare Schemes

Malaysia, Malaysia Indicator, government, welfare, BR1M, BSH


Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia or commonly known as BR1M was replaced by Bantuan Sara Hidup (BSH) during the tabling of 2019 Budget back in November. However, it received critics from certain members of the public, claiming that the amount of cash handout under the new scheme has been reduced. As reported by The Malaysian Insight, a pensioner said that he received RM1200 under BR1M, but was reduced to RM990 under BSH.


Besides BSH, the government provide other welfare to ease the people’s burdens. There are aids for single mothers, people with disabilities and elderlies. Besides, the government also introduced First Home Scheme to help first-time home owners. We need to be aware that the government do have other welfare for the people in need.