Emergence of the Public’s Enemy

While the White Flag Movement has been gaining traction, regardless by the media, politicians or even the public, Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor stood out the most.



Looking at the trending people for the campaign, aside from the leader of the nation, the Kedah Menteri Besar appeared as the second most prominent in the cluster.


However, the popularity was not due to his assistance to the public, instead, he announced that the Kedah’s government will not provide aid for families who raised the white flag in their compound.



Sanusi even emphasized that the movement is a political propaganda to further questioned the government’s credibility in handling the Covid-19 pandemic.


With that being said, the public then has been criticizing the MB and even accused the MB of putting politics first instead of the well-being of the people.


Due to the backlash by the public, it is reflecting in the Twitter sentiments for the topic as on the 1st and 2nd of July, a stark gap of the negative sentiment is clearly visible between the positive and neutral sentiment.



Nonetheless, as people have been focusing on giving assistance for the public, it is also visible in the latter period that the sentiments have changed, pushing the negative at the bottom.