Flood shows unfazed attention from media

Media exposure of flood related issues remained heighten for a considerable period, analysis shows.
More than 70,000 citizens were affected by the flood and some victims were still evacuated from their home.
The chart below shows that media started to give a lot of exposure regarding the flood on Dec 17 and the exposure was sustained until recently.
The chart below indicates that both mainstream and alternative media contributed high media share regarding the topic.
Looking into the influencers list regarding flood, Amirudin Shari was dominating the narration of the topic during Dec 26-28.
This situation also shows that media were focusing more on reporting the condition of Selangor rather than the condition of other states.
Besides that, both charts below show that the news titles regarding the topic were dominated by negative sentiments.
This might be due to the negative comments from the flood victims also been used as the news titles regarding the topic.